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  • SAMURAIQ DAILY: Microsoft Strikes Historic Deal on AI Labor Neutrality // EU Brings In Groundbreaking Laws Regulating AI

SAMURAIQ DAILY: Microsoft Strikes Historic Deal on AI Labor Neutrality // EU Brings In Groundbreaking Laws Regulating AI

Reading time: 7.8 mins

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Today we are digging into two AI Labor and Laws stories - Microsoft and AFL-CIO Strike Historic Deal on AI Labor Neutrality and EU Achieves Historic Milestone with Groundbreaking Laws Regulating Artificial Intelligence.


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Microsoft and AFL-CIO Strike Historic Deal on AI Labor Neutrality


- Microsoft and the AFL-CIO have recently reached an unprecedented agreement on AI labor neutrality.

- The deal aims to ensure that AI technologies are developed and deployed in a manner that prioritizes workers' rights and well-being.

- It sets a new precedent for responsible AI development and highlights the importance of considering the impact of AI on workers.

In a groundbreaking move, Microsoft and the AFL-CIO have announced a historic agreement that aims to establish AI labor neutrality. This landmark deal signifies a significant step forward in ensuring that artificial intelligence technologies are developed and deployed in a manner that prioritizes workers' rights and well-being.

Under the agreement, Microsoft commits to actively working with the AFL-CIO, the largest federation of labor unions in the United States, to develop guidelines and policies that promote labor neutrality in AI. This includes addressing potential job displacement, worker retraining, and ensuring that AI systems are designed to augment human capabilities rather than replace them.

The partnership between Microsoft and the AFL-CIO reflects a growing recognition of the need to address the potential social and economic impacts of AI technologies. As AI continues to advance and permeate various industries, there is a growing concern that automation may lead to job losses and exacerbate existing inequalities.

By prioritizing labor neutrality, Microsoft and the AFL-CIO aim to ensure that the benefits of AI are shared equitably among workers. This includes actively engaging with labor unions to understand their concerns and perspectives, as well as collaborating on the development of AI policies that protect workers' rights.

The agreement sets a new precedent for responsible AI development and highlights the importance of considering the impact of AI on workers. It demonstrates Microsoft's commitment to ethical AI practices and serves as a model for other technology companies to follow.

As AI technologies continue to evolve and shape our society, it is crucial that we prioritize the well-being and rights of workers. The Microsoft-AFL-CIO deal on AI labor neutrality by 2023 represents a significant milestone in this endeavor. By working together, technology companies and labor unions can ensure that AI is developed and deployed in a way that benefits all stakeholders and promotes a more equitable future.

Key takeaway:

The agreement between Microsoft and the AFL-CIO to establish AI labor neutrality by 2023 marks a significant step forward in prioritizing workers' rights and well-being in the development and deployment of AI technologies. This landmark deal sets a new precedent for responsible AI practices and highlights the importance of considering the impact of AI on workers.

EU Achieves Historic Milestone with Groundbreaking Laws Regulating Artificial Intelligence


  • The European Union (EU) and European Parliament finalized an unprecedented deal, establishing the world's first comprehensive laws to govern artificial intelligence (AI).

  • The historic agreement, termed "historic" by European Commissioner Thierry Breton, extends regulations to cover social media and search engine giants such as X, TikTok, and Google.

  • The EU now leads the global race in AI regulation, surpassing the US, China, and the UK, with the objective of protecting the public from potential life-threatening risks associated with rapidly advancing AI technology.

In-Depth Analysis: In a marathon 37-hour negotiation, the European Parliament and EU member states reached a groundbreaking agreement on comprehensive laws to regulate artificial intelligence. European Commissioner Thierry Breton hailed the deal as "historic," emphasizing the significance of the negotiations that involved 100 individuals over nearly three days.

Spain’s Secretary of State for AI, Carme Artigas facilitated the negotiations, with France and Germany supporting the text. Reports suggest that tech companies in these countries sought a lighter regulatory touch to foster innovation among smaller companies.

The EU's regulatory framework, ahead of the US, China, and the UK, addresses concerns about the potential threats to life posed by rapidly developing AI technology. However, specific details about the law's content remain limited, and the regulations are not expected to take effect until at least 2025.

Key points from the agreement include:

  • Prohibition of real-time surveillance and biometric technologies, including emotional recognition, with exceptions for terrorist threats, victim searches, and serious crime prosecution.

  • The inclusion of "independent authorities" to grant permission for "predictive policing," ensures the protection of fundamental rights and the presumption of innocence.

  • Adoption of a risk-based tiered system, with the highest level of regulation applied to machines posing the highest risk to health, safety, and human rights.

European Parliament MEP Brando Benefei emphasized the legislation's aim to ensure a human-centric approach, respecting fundamental rights and values. The ban on AI technology that predetermines criminal behavior underscores the commitment to preventing potential abuses in law enforcement.

How and Why This Affects You: This historic EU legislation on AI regulation sets a global precedent, emphasizing a human-centric approach and safeguarding fundamental rights. As the first comprehensive framework of its kind, it addresses the potential risks associated with AI and establishes a tiered system that ensures responsible development and use of AI technology. Whether you are an AI professional, a business owner, or an individual concerned about the impact of AI, this regulatory milestone shapes the future landscape of digital technology, setting a powerful example for governments worldwide and influencing the direction of AI development on a global scale.

Jim: A step in the right direction, this initial work is an important piece of legislation going forward. History in the making.


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